Scientific Program

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Huang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic,Brazil

Keynote: Is it possible to treat community-Acquired and nosocomial infections with the same method, without the use of antibiotics?

Time : 09:30 - 10:40


Huang Wei Ling, born in Taiwan, raised and graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she has been presenting her work worldwide, concerning the treatment of various diseases, using techniques based on several medical traditions around the world.


The difference between community-acquired and nosocomial infections is that community-acquired infections are defined as infections contracted outside of a health-care environment. Nosocomial infections, on the other hand, are those contracted after the patient’s admission and not incubated before hospitalization. In addition, the microorganisms potentially causing community infections are generally more sensitive to antimicrobials, as opposed to nosocomial infections, which are generally caused by multi-resistant bacteria.

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that community-acquired and nosocomial infections can be treated with the same approach and without the administration of antibiotics. The method used was to include older medicine theories such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and three case reports of community-acquired infection compared to another three cases of nosocomial infection. All six cases were treated with the same method, by balancing the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood, removing the Internal Heat using auricular acupuncture, and using energy based Chinese dietary reorientation.

Findings: All cases of community-acquired and nosocomial infection reported in this study improved uniquely with the treatment administrated with no prescription of antimicrobials and the use of these drugs themselves was generating the energy imbalance that maintained the infectious process.

Conclusion: Based on these six clinical reports, we can use the same method to treat community-acquired and nosocomial infection. This research was based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which indicated that these diseases came from the same roots, and therefore could be treated with the same method.


Keynote Forum

Dov Litchenberg

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Keynote: Oxidative stress, the concept, the term and possible quantitation

Time : 11:00 - 11:50


Dov Litchenberg, BS, MS and PhD in Chemistry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,  Post Doc in Chemical Biophysics, Caltech (1972-1974), Lecturer , Hebrew University (1974-1979),Visiting Professor, University of  Virginia (1979-1981),  Professor, Tel Aviv University (981-2011)  Previous Dean of Medicine (2002-2006). Professor Emeritus (2011-present). Present Topics: Solubilization and reconstitution of membranes, Oxidative stress and Antioxidants, Admission to Medical schools



Oxidative stress (OS), caused by access reactive oxygen species (ROS) is intuitively defined and commonly blamed for being involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases, particularly inflammatory diseases. Yet, many antioxidant supplementation studies yielded disappointing results, attributed to the important physiological role of ROS. A reasonable but questionable explanation is that high-risk groups (people with high OS) would benefit most from antioxidant interventions. This yielded the "identify and treat" approach, based on the assumption that OS assays can enable identification of people under high OS and treat only these people with antioxidants.

A major problem is the lack of a universal criterion for OS and the low level of the (very significant but weak) correlations between the OS, as evaluated on the basis of serum steady state concentrations. Different biomarkers yield different results, presumably due to the existence of different types of OS.

Currently, quantifying OS is of limited applied value, namely OS is not a diagnostic tool. This conclusion is strongly supported by analyses of the findings of the MARK AGE study. 


(1) People with the highest 10% OS according to different biomarkers exhibit only small overlapping and

(2) Different biomarkers yield different dependences of the OS on age and gender.



Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Ex-Head of Surgical Oncology Unit & Ex–Director of the Emergency and Causalities Hospital and Member of the Board of Administration, Cairo University Hospitals. Chairman of the Professors Upgrading Committee (General Surgery, 2016- ….). Member of : NESA, EACR, ASCO. Member of the Scientific Council for the Egyptian Fellowship in General Surgery, Ministry of Public Health & Population. Laureate the Egypt State's Award for Medical Sciences . Decorated the Order of Merit (First Class) from the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt


Background:Rare, having no clear etiology, idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) and its variant tuberculous mastitis (TM) are chronic inflammatory lesions usually picked up on clinical suspicion. Mammosonography and needle biopsy display nonspecific features but may provide additional diagnostic support. Patients vary in presentation and their treatment may be instituted on empirical basis.
Cases and Methods:Three cases of IGM were referred for treatment in a year. Diagnosis was made on clinical suspicion, supported by mammosonography and needle biopsy. TM was first thought for and specific treatment was given empirically following the Egyptian guidelines approved by the WHO. The acid fast bacilli were not detected in the 3 cases.
Results: The given 6 months antituberculous treatment (ATT) produced progressive reduction in the size of the masses with amelioration of the preexisting breast symptoms. Follow-up radiology showed parallel results and the lesions disappeared at the end of the course. Conclusion Some cases of IGM are tuberculous, and both may mimic malignancy. In Egyptians TM should be considered first, and ATT can be safely instituted on empirical basis if the clinical data are sufficient. Cure is expected within 6 months and early treatment failure, dictates shifting to drugs for genuine IGM. It is not necessary to see the acid fast bacilli in tissue specimen or in culture.


OMAR  ALI  NAFI   MRCP  Pediatric neurologist ,  Associated  professor of pediatrics, Dean faculty of medicine , Mutah  university . karak . Jordan.  Member NITAG, Member polio eradication committee in Jordan, Member in measles and rubella eradication committee, Interested in childhood developmental disorders, attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Epilepsy. Cerebral  palsy. Childhood immunization



Eradication of poliomyelitis has been a major medical achievement made possible by great efforts on the part of the World Health Organization (WHO) and all countries involved. The main tool which made the eradication possible was the oral polio vaccine (OPV), or the Sabin vaccine. The OPV has been administered over 10 billion times to 3 billion children and has prevented over 13 million cases of polio. With a 99% reduction in polio incidence, and the more recent appearance of OPV-related complications, especially the vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) and vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP),it is important to reconsider the role of these vaccines in polio eradication. There are currently more cases due to VDPV than due to the wild polio virus(WPV).Considering that OPV is the only source of VDPV, the WHO has established a phased plan to withdraw OPV from use and to switch to an inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) by 2020. Therefore, the estimated 126 countries that still use this vaccine in their national immunization programmes need to make adequate plans for securing a sufficient supply of affordable IPV. However, there is some concern that vaccinators and caregivers might refuse to give children >2 injectable vaccines in a single visit, resulting in lower immunization coverage. This review discusses the benefits of Sabin vaccine over the years and its medical implications in the future.



Fabrício Prado Monteiro has his expertise and passion in evaluating and improving the health and immunology. He is a Medical Director at Institute of Allergy and Immunology of West Bahia, Brazil & Specialist in Allergology & Immunology (since 2006, by ASBAI). He is a Specialist in Pediatrics (since 2004, by SBP), has masters (UCES/ARG) in Administration and Economics (Management) in Health (public and private). He has built work model after years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and attention in pediatrics and clinical allergy and immunology, both in hospital and education instructions


IgM is the first immunoglobulin to be expressed on the surface of B cells and the first immunoglobulin isotype secreted during an initial immune response to an exogenous antigen. Mature naïve B cells in response to antigens undergo clonal expansion and differentiation into Ig-secreting cells. A subset of activated IgM+ B cells undergo a process of heavy chain isotype switching resulting in the production of antibodies of different isotypes such as IgG, IgA, and IgE, upon engagement of CD40 with CD40L and interaction with cytokines, and somatic hyper mutation in V region results in the selection of high affinity antibody producing B cells (1,2).

In contrast to secreted IgG, IgM comes in two flavors, pre-immune or without exposure to exogenous antigen also known as “natural IgM” that is spontaneously produced, and the second type is exogenous antigen-induced or “immune” IgM antibodies. In addition to providing early defense against microbes, natural IgM plays an important role in immune homeostasis, and provide protection from consequences of infections and inflammation (1,3).

Beyond its well-known effects on calcium homeostasis and bone mineralization, vit.D has become recognized as a pluripotent immunoregulator of biological functions with a particular role in immune tolerance and antimicrobial immunity. The expression of the vit.D receptor (VDR) in many immune cells have led to recognition of the associations between the vit.D metabolism and infections, allergic and cronic auto immune disorders (4,5,6).

Immunostimulating subcutaneous therapy as proposed, according to protocol and subcutaneous and muscular administration bimonthly of glucan and glucoronidase (ITA BG ®) associated with VIT.D 600.000 UI (HERVA’S PINEDA PHARMACIAS ®) , providing an increase of antigenic recognition because of an efficient activation of antigen presenting cells through up-regulation of their receivers. (7,8).

Thus the activation and degranulation of inflammatory products that cause various clinical manifestations are minimized and regulated, with the consequent clinical improvement and no adverse effects.



Gbenga J Abiodun is a young Scientist whose research interest focuses on biomathematics, epidemiology and mathematical modelling of the impacts of climate (variability and change) on vector-borne and infectious diseases. He has completed his Masters and Doctoral degrees in Mathematics at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in 2012 and 2016, respectively. He has worked extensively on infectious diseases and published peer-reviewed papers in high-profile international journals.



The recent resurgence of malaria incidence across epidemic regions in South Africa has been linked to climatic and environmental factors. An in-depth investigation of the impact of climate variability and mosquito abundance on malaria parasite incidence may therefore offer useful insight towards the control of this life-threatening disease. In this study we investigate the influence of climatic factors on malaria transmission over Nkomazi municipality. The variability and interconnectedness between the variables were analyzed using wavelet coherence analysis. Time-series analyses revealed that malaria cases significantly declined after the outbreak in early 2000, but with a slight increase from 2015. Furthermore, the wavelet coherence and time-lagged correlation analyses identified rainfall and abundance of Anopheles arabiensis as the major variables responsible for malaria transmission over the study region. The analysis further highlights a high malaria intensity with the variables from 1998 – 2002, 2004 – 2006, and 2010 – 2013 and a noticeable periodicity value of 256 - 512 days. Also, malaria transmission shows a time lag of between one month to three months with respect to mosquito abundance and the different climatic variables. The findings from this study offer a better understanding of the importance of climatic factors on the transmission of malaria. The study further highlights the significant roles of An. arabiensis on malaria occurrence over Nkomazi. Implementing the mosquito model to predict mosquito abundance could provide more insight on malaria elimination or control in Africa.


Keynote Forum

Parvaneh Mehrbod

academic member of Pasteur Institute of Iran

Keynote: Influenza A virus treatment as an infectious disease

Time : .


Parvaneh Mehrbod, academic member of Pasteur Institute of Iran, started her postgraduate study in 2006 at University of Tehran in the field of Cellular and Molecular Biology and pursued her PhD study in Molecular Biotechnology at Universiti Putra Malaysia. She was successful to obtain postdoctoral fellowship awards from Universiti Putra Malaysia (2014), Pasteur Institute of Iran (2016) and University of Pretoria (2016-2018). These years’ experiences of research provided her with the opportunity and enthusiasm for successful international collaborations. She has several publications of her research findings in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and has many more in collaborations.


Samples of body fluids can sometimes reveal evidence of the particular microbe that's causing illness. Blood tests, urine tests, throat swabs, stool sample, spinal tap, imaging scans and biopsies are the type of samplings. Antibiotics, antifungals and anti-parasitics are used against bacteria, fungi and parasites, respectively. In regards to antivirals, they can treat some, but not all, viruses. Examples include some important viruses that cause: HIV/AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis B & C and Influenza. Regarding influenza A virus (IAV), it is a respiratory tract pathogen which causes a great number of deaths and hospitalizations including approximately 49,000 deaths and up to 35,600,000 morbidity cases annually in the USA alone.

For this kind of infection, lifestyle and home remedies are important. Drinking plenty of fluids, taking vitamin C and zinc and also getting lots of rest are the primary steps. However, the clinical manifestations of this infection are related to immune dysregulation, which cause serious risk factor for morbidity and mortality.

Previously, the treatment focus was on direct effect on the virus. Amantdine and oseltamivir are conventional drugs with side effects which have not been successful in controlling this infection in most of the pandemics and epidemics. Recently, scientists have focused on medications which are able to control this infection indirectly by affecting the virus-host interaction pathways and reduction of the outcomes of this infection.

The use of medications with immunomudulatory properties against influenza infection has been increased recently.

In our research we have tested different drugs and compounds with emphasis on virus-host interaction system; like:

Over-the-counter drugs such as statins, Herbal-marine compound named HESA-A, Complementary and alternative medicine such as Edible Bird Nest (EBN) and also different local plants extracts.



Background: Monkey Pox is a re-emerging zoonosis caused by Orthopox virus. It is endemic in rainforest parts of Western and Central Africa. Thirty nine years after the last outbreak in Nigeria, another outbreak was reported in September 2017. We confirmed the outbreak, described it according to time, persons and place and instituted control.
Method: We defined suspected case as any person residing in Bayelsa State presenting with a history of sudden onset of fever, followed by a vesiculopustular rash occurring mostly on the face, palms and soles of the feet between April and November 2017. A confirmed case was a suspected case with a laboratory confirmation (positive IgM antibody, PCR or virus isolation). We reviewed hospital records and used interviewer administered questionnaire to collect data. Blood samples and vesicular swabs from lesions were collected and sent to WHO reference laboratory in Senegal for confirmation. We analyzed our data with Epi info 7.
Result: Out of the 30 suspected cases recorded, 27 (90%) were found in Yenagoa and 3 (10%) in Ogbia Local Government Areas. Also, 20 (66.7%) were males. The median age of cases was 31 years with age range of 1 to 43 years. We had a total of 11 confirmed cases, 9
(81.8%) were in Yenagoa while 2 (18.2%) were in Ogbia with no death (CFR 0%). Attack rate was 4.6 per 100,000. One case committed suicide while on admission. All cases had fever and rash while lymphadenopathy was seen in 80% of cases. Hospitalised patients were 23 (76.7%). Average duration of hospitalisation was 14 days.
Conclusion and Recommendation: An outbreak of monkey pox was confirmed in Bayelsa State. People in reproductive ages were only affected. We intensified risk communication and isolated cases. We recommended Psychosocial support for cases.

  • Types of Infectious Diseases | Immunology of Infections | Epidemiology of Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases | Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases | Malaria | Treatment for Infectious Diseases | Infectious Diseases Prevention, Control and Cure
Location: Rafael Hoteles Forum Alcala


Gamal M Saied

Cairo University, Egypt



Huang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil


Fabrício Prado Monteiro has his expertise and passion in evaluating and improving the health and immunology. He is a Medical Director at Institute of Allergy and Immunology of West Bahia, Brazil & Specialist in Allergology & Immunology (since 2006, by ASBAI). He is a Specialist in Pediatrics (since 2004, by SBP), has masters (UCES/ARG) in Administration and Economics (Management) in Health (public and private). He has built work model after years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and attention in pediatrics and clinical allergy and immunology, both in hospital and education instructions.


IgM is the first immunoglobulin to be expressed on the surface of B cells and the first immunoglobulin isotype secreted during an initial immune response to an exogenous antigen. Mature naïve B cells in response to antigens undergo clonal expansion and differentiation into Ig-secreting cells. A subset of activated IgM+ B cells undergo a process of heavy chain isotype switching resulting in the production of antibodies of different isotypes such as IgG, IgA, and IgE, upon engagement of CD40 with CD40L and interaction with cytokines, and somatic hyper mutation in V region results in the selection of high affinity antibody producing B cells (1,2).

In contrast to secreted IgG, IgM comes in two flavors, pre-immune or without exposure to exogenous antigen also known as “natural IgM” that is spontaneously produced, and the second type is exogenous antigen-induced or “immune” IgM antibodies. In addition to providing early defense against microbes, natural IgM plays an important role in immune homeostasis, and provide protection from consequences of infections and inflammation (1,3).

Beyond its well-known effects on calcium homeostasis and bone mineralization, vit.D has become recognized as a pluripotent immunoregulator of biological functions with a particular role in immune tolerance and antimicrobial immunity. The expression of the vit.D receptor (VDR) in many immune cells have led to recognition of the associations between the vit.D metabolism and infections, allergic and cronic auto immune disorders (4,5,6).

Immunostimulating subcutaneous therapy as proposed, according to protocol and subcutaneous and muscular administration bimonthly of glucan and glucoronidase (ITA BG ®) associated with VIT.D 600.000 UI (HERVA’S PINEDA PHARMACIAS ®) , providing an increase of antigenic recognition because of an efficient activation of antigen presenting cells through up-regulation of their receivers. (7,8).

Thus the activation and degranulation of inflammatory products that cause various clinical manifestations are minimized and regulated, with the consequent clinical improvement and no adverse effects.



Gbenga J Abiodun is a young Scientist whose research interest focuses on biomathematics, epidemiology and mathematical modelling of the impacts of climate (variability and change) on vector-borne and infectious diseases. He has completed his Masters and Doctoral degrees in Mathematics at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in 2012 and 2016, respectively. He has worked extensively on infectious diseases and published peer-reviewed papers in high-profile international journals.



The recent resurgence of malaria incidence across epidemic regions in South Africa has been linked to climatic and environmental factors. An in-depth investigation of the impact of climate variability and mosquito abundance on malaria parasite incidence may therefore offer useful insight towards the control of this life-threatening disease. In this study we investigate the influence of climatic factors on malaria transmission over Nkomazi municipality. The variability and interconnectedness between the variables were analyzed using wavelet coherence analysis. Time-series analyses revealed that malaria cases significantly declined after the outbreak in early 2000, but with a slight increase from 2015. Furthermore, the wavelet coherence and time-lagged correlation analyses identified rainfall and abundance of Anopheles arabiensis as the major variables responsible for malaria transmission over the study region. The analysis further highlights a high malaria intensity with the variables from 1998 – 2002, 2004 – 2006, and 2010 – 2013 and a noticeable periodicity value of 256 - 512 days. Also, malaria transmission shows a time lag of between one month to three months with respect to mosquito abundance and the different climatic variables. The findings from this study offer a better understanding of the importance of climatic factors on the transmission of malaria. The study further highlights the significant roles of An. arabiensis on malaria occurrence over Nkomazi. Implementing the mosquito model to predict mosquito abundance could provide more insight on malaria elimination or control in Africa.



Prof Ana Belen Fernández, specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, has her greatest experience in the critically ill post-surgical patient, and abdominal septic shock. She is a researcher of Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas Infections and its more effective antibiotic treatment as well as the expansion of the high-risk clones by disemination of multiresistant bacteria. Currently belongs to the Department of Anesthesiology of the University Hospital Ntra Sra De Candelaria in Santa Cruz de Tenerife since 2005.



The increasing prevalence of nosocomial infections produced by multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Pseudomona Aeruginosa strains severely compromises the selection of appropiate treatments. Apart from its notable intrinsic resistance, P. Aeruginosa posses an extraordinary ability to develop resistance to nearly all available antimicrobials, through the selection of mutations in a complex network of genes implicated in resistance and their regulation. This fact has major consequences for the efficacy of treatments for P. Aeruginosa infections, mainly among critical patients at the ICU or  those with chronic infections where the problem is magnified due to the high frequency of hypermutator strains, which present a spontaneous mutation rate up to 1000 times higher than normal.  Ceftolozane- Tazobactam is a cephalosporin-ß-lactamase inhibitor combination that exhibits potent in vitro activity against Pseudomona Aeruginosa, including strains that are resistant to other ß-lactams, but emergence of resistance  has been noted in various reported cases, probably by the previous administration of carbapenems, cephalosporin and / or piperacilin-tazobactam  in patients critically illness.  There is an urgent need to develop protocols and guidelines for each hospital in order to administer Ceftalozano- tazobactam in selected patients as the first therapeutic option, and thus decrease the growth of  MDR/XDR  P. aeruginosa strains.



Maria Teresa Mascellino has completed her MD at the age of 25 years in Rome during the period of 1980 and specialization studies in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases from Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). She works as aggregate professor in the Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases. She has published other than 100 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. She is editor of the book “Bacterial and Mycotic infections in immune-compromised hosts”” from OMICS Group and of the book “Salmonella: a re-emerging pathogen” from InTech. She is a reviewer for many important scientific international Journals and Research Projects from Ministry of University and Scientific Research. She has attended  national and international Conferences as speaker presenting relevant research topics


Aim of study was to evaluate the antibiotic resistance and the eradication rate in 40 patients who failed first line therapy, with gastric symptoms that required assessing with diagnostic endoscopy. The histological and endoscopic data are reported in the table.

The patients all positive to urease test, were treated with  the quadruple therapy PPI-bismuth-metronidazole (MZ)-TE for 14 days consistently to the high CLA-resistance level. Eradication status was determined by the 13C-urea breath test.

 The resistance to CLA and MZ resulted to be very high  (50% and 65% respectively) due to their large use. Amoxicillin, TE and levofloxacin showed 3%, 5% and 25% of resistance respectively.  Mixed Hp infections were demonstrated by the presence of different antimicrobial susceptibility patterns  contemporarily.. The overall eradication rate resulted to be 82% strictly depending for each patient on the number (1 or 2 or 3) of gastric districts colonized by Hp. The CLA-resistance levels and mainly the local susceptibility, resulted to be crucial in order to establish a correct therapy.  The genotypic-resistance is useful in case of absence of live bacteria, contamination and mainly for identifying mixed infections that represent a real problem possibly leading to a resistance underestimation. The real-time PCR detected the resistant population at a very low concentration  not detectable by  phenotypic tests which primarily show  susceptible bacteria. The use of genotypic tests directly on the clinical specimens could   predict the antibiotic resistance  addressing changes in previous failure treatments. The bismuth quadruple therapy resulted to be  effective in the Hp eradication rate.



Satyanarayana Gorthi

Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, India

Title: Intra-abdominal abscess an algorithm for early diagnosis and appropriate management

Time : 15:40 - 16:20


Dr. SN Gorthi is renowned surgical Gastroenterologist with 38 years of experience in open as well as Laparoscopic surgery


Statement of the Problem:

“Intra abdominal abscess is a collection of pus in the abdomen walled off by inflamed viscera and/or omentum.” The ethology and presentation are variable and sometimes obscure resulting in delayed diagnosis inapt of the availability of advanced imaging modalities like ultra sonogram and C.T. scan which in turn leads to delay in initiating appropriate treatment. This is the root cause of high morbidity and mortality.

The purpose of this study is to develop an algorithm aimed at improving the chance of early diagnosis and thus enable the emergency physicians and surgeons to initiate appropriate treatment at the earliest.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:

A retrospective analysis of records of 30 patients treated at our institute from 2014 to 2016 is carried out at Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre. The clinical findings and Laboratory data were analysed to identify the risk factors that allow the doctors on duty to suspect the possibility of Intra abdominal abscess and an algorithm is developed to guide them to choose the appropriate imaging modality/modalities for establishing the diagnosis as well as to decide the most appropriate treatment method in the given circumstances.

Conclusions and Significance:

At the end of the study it was concluded that the algorithm is useful for guiding the junior doctors to identify and manage the patients at high risk of harbouring intra abdominal abscess in a cost effective manner.


Pushpanjali Swain

National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, India

Title: Determinants of declining trends of HIV prevalence in India

Time : 16:20 - 17:00



Introduction: HIV epidemic in India is concentrated. Surveillance data shows that with high prevalence of HIV is among High Risk Groups. High risk groups include paid sex work by females, homosexuals, injecting drug users and transgender.  Moderate prevalence of HIV is among bridge population which includes single male migrants and long distance truckers. Low prevalence of HIV is among general population.  The pregnant women are proxy for general population. The drivers of the epidemic includes unprotected paid sex with Female Sex Workers (FSW), unprotected anal sex between Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Hijra/transgender (H/TG) people and Injecting Drug Use (IDU). Based on these transmission dynamics, India’s HIV epidemic pattern is monitored among the high-risk groups, bridge populations as well as the general population. Sentinel surveillance is being undertaken in India annually since 1998 to assess trends of HIV infection, estimate the HIV prevalence and disease burden. Based on these transmission dynamics, India’s HIV epidemic pattern is monitored among the high-risk Groups, bridge populations as well as the general population. India is committed to end HIV/AIDS as public threat by 2030.

Objective of the study is to determine plausible factors for declining trends of HIV infection of India among general population, bridge population and high risk groups.

Methodology: The study is based on secondary sources of information from National Family Health Surveys of various rounds and HIV sentinel Surveillance reports, which are available in public Domain

Findings: 15th  round of HIV sentinel surveillance shows that the estimate of HIV prevalence of general population is 0.28%, (95%CI: 0.26-0.29), 0.51% (95 CI: 0.34-0.68) among single male migrants (SMM), 0.86%(95% CI: 0.64-1.07) among long distance truckers (LDT), 1.56% (95% CI: 1.46-1.66) among FSW, 2.69% (95% CI: 2.47-2.91) among MSM, 3.14% (95% CI:2.61-3.66) among H/TG and 6.26% (95% CI: 5.92-6.59) among IDUs. Over the years, there has been decline of HIV prevalence of general population and high risk group; however, the trend appeared to be stable at a high level among IDUs. Trends among different population groups at national are derived using moving average method at sites consistent since 2003-07. At the national level, trends continue to be declining among ANC

clinic attendees from 0.8% in 2003  to 0,28% in 2017 , FSW  from 10.33% in 2003 to 1,56% in 2017 and MSM from 8.47% to 2.69% during the same period; while the trend appeared to be stable after 2006 at high level I,e,, 6.92% in 2006 to 6.26% in 2017 among IDUs. In India, HIV epidemic continues to be heterogeneous, with varied levels of HIV prevalence by location and population. Each state has a different dynamics of epidemic .In the high prevalence states located in southern and western part of India among FSW, MSM and H/TG indicates an epidemic primarily driven through unprotected sexual intercourse while in many of the north-eastern states, high prevalence among IDU, FSW and MSM, as well as in ANC populations, indicates an epidemic fuelled by multiple, possibly interrelated, risk behaviours. Prevalence of HIV among migrants and truckers is 2- 3 times higher than that of ANC clinic attendees, giving weight to the hypothesis that migration is playing an important role in the high outmigration States.With robust monitoring system developed in the country to prevent and sustained intervention planning and implementation helped in declining HIV prevalence in the country. Mass media program in the country through electronic and print media, educating the people about HIV infection and methods of prevention. However, one of the major challenges of the HIV prevention program in India is the ignorance and denial of HIV risk. Study shows that to obtain information on HIV testing, all respondents were asked whether they had ever been tested for HIV/AIDS. Study indicates that only 10% of respondents had ever been tested for HIV.

Conclusion: India is committed to the goal of “End of AIDS” as a public health threat by 2030. While the programme has been hugely successful in the past, the current challenge is to understand the diversity of this HIV epidemic, having complex and multiple drivers and therefore require a multi dimensional approach. It requires strengthened prevention programmes among high risk populations and their clients like migrants and truck drivers with high-risk behaviour, as well as among spouses/partners of these populations. Epidemiological findings need to be taken into consideration for tailoring the national programme’s responses and treatment must be complemented.


Day 2 :

Keynote Forum

Omar A Nafi

Mutah University, Jordan

Keynote: Role of sabin vaccine in Poliomyelitis eradication: A brief review of achievements and risks

Time : 09:30 - 10:10


OMAR  ALI  NAFI   MRCP  Pediatric neurologist ,  Associated  professor of pediatrics, Dean faculty of medicine , Mutah  university . karak . Jordan.  Member NITAG, Member polio eradication committee in Jordan, Member in measles and rubella eradication committee, Interested in childhood developmental disorders, attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Epilepsy. Cerebral  palsy. Childhood immunization.



Eradication of poliomyelitis has been a major medical achievement made possible by great efforts on the part of the World Health Organization (WHO) and all countries involved. The main tool which made the eradication possible was the oral polio vaccine (OPV), or the Sabin vaccine. The OPV has been administered over 10 billion

times to 3 billion children and has prevented over 13 million cases of polio. With a 99% reduction in polio incidence, and the more recent appearance of OPV-related complications, especially the vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) and vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP),it is important to reconsider the role of these vaccines in polio eradication. There are currently more cases due to VDPV than due to the wild polio virus(WPV).Considering that OPV is the only source of VDPV, the WHO has established a phased plan to withdraw OPV from use and to switch to an inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) by 2020. Therefore, the estimated 126 countries that still use this vaccine in their national immunization programmes need to make adequate plans for securing a sufficient supply of affordable IPV. However, there is some concern that vaccinators and caregivers might refuse to give children >2 injectable vaccines in a single visit, resulting in lower immunization coverage. This review discusses the benefits of Sabin vaccine over the years and its medical implications in the future.



Gamal M. SAIED (MD) : Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Ex-Head of Surgical Oncology Unit & Ex–Director of the Emergency and Causalities Hospital and Member of the Board of Administration, Cairo University Hospitals.Chairman of the Professors Upgrading Committee (General Surgery, 2016- ….). Member of : NESA, EACR, ASCO. Member of the Scientific Council for the Egyptian Fellowship in General Surgery, Ministry of Public Health & Population. Laureate the Egypt State's Award for Medical Sciences . Decorated the Order of Merit (First Class) from the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt


The objective is to validate the new clinicopathological features of bilharzial and non- bilharzial urinary bladder carcinoma in Egyptian population. These features are caused by altered epidemiology, and proposed to have reflection on management.
Patients & Methods
Timely contributions of leading Egyptian experts in domicile bladder cancer ( last 4 decades) were reviewed. Additionally, 102 patients were studied in 2 subsets A&B based on a preplanned treatment modality: cystectomy facing transurethral resection plus radiotherapy. Observation on gross and microscopic features and their reflection on treatment decision are recorded.
An overview of the aforementioned studies is given, demonstrating a striking change in the characteristic features of bladder carcinoma in Egypt, more obvious in 2007 and after. In the present work, 65% of patients had their tumors in a bilharzial bladder where walls demonstrated the classical cystoscopic features of the disease, while 35 % had their tumors in a non bilharzial one. Group A patients were treated by cystectomy carrying 7.7 % perioperative mortality, whereas patients in group B received sensitized radiotherapy preceded by transurethral resection.
Bladder cancer in Egyptian patients has lost its peculiar features imposed by chronic bilharzial cystitis. With the progressive histological change from squamous cell carcinoma to transitional cell variety treatment had to be shifted towards traditional types suitable for organ preserving management

Keynote Forum

Huang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil

Keynote: Why do Patients Still Catch Hospital Infections Despite the Practice of Infection Prevention and Control Programs?

Time : .


Huang Wei Ling, born in Taiwan, raised in Brazil since the age of one, graduated in medicine in Brazil, specializing in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca's General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication, and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital infection Control Congress in 1998

She was coordinator of both the Infection Control and the Nutritional Support Committee in Sao Joaquim Hospital in Franca, and also worked at the infectious Sexually Transmitted Disease Reference Center. She is the owner of the Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, and since 1997 has been presenting her work worldwide concerning the treatment of various diseases using techniques based on several medical traditions around the world.



Statement of the problem:  Very few publications provide sound scientific data used to determine which components are essential for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) programs in terms of effectiveness in reducing the risk of infection. In recent years, a range of regional best practice or policy principles have been developed that address what could be considered as core components of IPC programs. However there remains a major gap in relation to the availability of international best practice principles for core components of IPC programs.

The purpose of this study was to show why patients still catch hospital infections despite IPC programs. A better understanding of a variety of theories is needed that could explain the physiopathology of diverse diseases described in the medical past history, which are usually disregarded clinically today. A broader view seems to show the necessity of seeing the patient as a whole; not only focusing on the disease in the prevention of these hospital infections.

The methodology used was a review of these theories such as those presented by Hippocrates (“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”), as well as others from oriental medicine, which explain that diseases originate from three factors: external (exposure to cold, heat, humidity, wind and dryness), internal (emotional) and dietary.

Findings: Having a broader view of the patient as a whole (Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood energy and Heat retention), we can understand better the formation of hospital infection which is a systemic energy reaction of our body undergoing normal hospital treatment.

Conclusion: To understand better why a patient is still catching hospital infections, despite these IPC programs, we need to broaden our view observing all emotional, environmental and dietary factors, as well as studying his energy situation at the moment of admittance identifying his risk of hospital infection.


Moses Katbi is a UK General Medical Council (GMC) certified medical doctor with immense experience in Public Health in developing countries. Currently, He is leading a USAID funded project on achieving HIV epidemic control in Nigeria. He pioneered a study on novel approach called Strategic Index Case Testing (STRICT) which identifies new infection among sexual partners of PLHIVs published in a peer-reviewed journal. Dr. Katbi has background also in MNCH where he worked towards reducing maternal, newborn and child mortality rates in Nigeria. He initially worked in the UK as emergency medicine physician. His interest is in novel public health program implementation and implementation science research. He has postgraduate degrees in public health and business administration from the UK and USA.



Statement of the problemA cohort of People Living with HIV (PLHIVs) refused to commence antiretroviral therapy (ART) through conventional linkage methods (self-referral, intra and inter facility referral and community referral). Community Treatment Initiative (CTI) is a community oriented intervention developed to link this group of linkage-resistant PLHIVs to care and treatment in nine program areas across three states in Nigeria. CTI aims to take life-saving treatment to PLHIVs in the community and the confines of their homes.

Methodology and theoretical orientation: A non-controlled Interventional study that evaluates the impact of CTI on ART uptake by examining the proportion of linkage-resistant PLHIVs linked to treatment through CTI in nine high burden program areas. PLHIV data between Octobers – December, 2015 was collected from National HIV registers. A cohort of PLHIVs that rejected linkage to treatment were selected, followed up and offered ART using CTI approach. We analyzed data using excel and SPSS version 20.0. Simple proportion was used to estimate proportion of linkage-resistant PLHIVs, retention and viral suppression rates. Chi square test showed association between categorical variables with level of significance set at P- value less than 0.05.

Findings: A total of 541 (20.4%) PLHIVs seen from October – December, 2015 refused linkage to treatment using conventional linkage methods (P Value <0.0001). 377 (69.7%) of the linkage-resistant PLHIVs were linked to treatment using CTI interventional approach (P Value <0.0001). 332 (88.1%) of PLHIV linked to treatment through CTI were retained in care after a six months observation period (P value <0.0001). 259 (78%) of PLHIVs retained in care attained viral suppression.

CTI is effective in improving linkage of PLHIVs to ART and therefore could be scaled up to increase ART Uptake which may help with control of new infections to achieve epidemic control.


Keynote Forum

Pushpanjali Swain

Professor and Head Department of Statistics and Demography, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare New Delhi India

Keynote: Determinants of declining trends of HIV Prevalence in India

Time : .



Introduction: HIV epidemic in India is concentrated. Surveillance data shows that with high prevalence of HIV is among High Risk Groups. High risk groups include paid sex work by females, homosexuals, injecting drug users and transgender.  Moderate prevalence of HIV is among bridge population which includes single male migrants and long distance truckers. Low prevalence of HIV is among general population.  The pregnant women are proxy for general population. The drivers of the epidemic includes unprotected paid sex with Female Sex Workers (FSW), unprotected anal sex between Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Hijra/transgender (H/TG) people and Injecting Drug Use (IDU). Based on these transmission dynamics, India’s HIV epidemic pattern is monitored among the high-risk groups, bridge populations as well as the general population. Sentinel surveillance is being undertaken in India annually since 1998 to assess trends of HIV infection, estimate the HIV prevalence and disease burden. Based on these transmission dynamics, India’s HIV epidemic pattern is monitored among the high-risk Groups, bridge populations as well as the general population. India is committed to end HIV/AIDS as public threat by 2030.


Objective of the study is to determine plausible factors for declining trends of HIV infection of India among general population, bridge population and high risk groups.

Methodology: The study is based on secondary sources of information from National Family Health Surveys of various rounds and HIV sentinel Surveillance reports, which are available in public Domain

Findings: 15th  round of HIV sentinel surveillance shows that the estimate of HIV prevalence of general population is 0.28%, (95%CI: 0.26-0.29), 0.51% (95 CI: 0.34-0.68) among single male migrants (SMM), 0.86%(95% CI: 0.64-1.07) among long distance truckers (LDT), 1.56% (95% CI: 1.46-1.66) among FSW, 2.69% (95% CI: 2.47-2.91) among MSM, 3.14% (95% CI:2.61-3.66) among H/TG and 6.26% (95% CI: 5.92-6.59) among IDUs. Over the years, there has been decline of HIV prevalence of general population and high risk group; however, the trend appeared to be stable at a high level among IDUs. Trends among different population groups at national are derived using moving average method at sites consistent since 2003-07. At the national level, trends continue to be declining among ANC

clinic attendees from 0.8% in 2003  to 0,28% in 2017 , FSW  from 10.33% in 2003 to 1,56% in 2017 and MSM from 8.47% to 2.69% during the same period; while the trend appeared to be stable after 2006 at high level I,e,, 6.92% in 2006 to 6.26% in 2017 among IDUs. In India, HIV epidemic continues to be heterogeneous, with varied levels of HIV prevalence by location and population. Each state has a different dynamics of epidemic .In the high prevalence states located in southern and western part of India among FSW, MSM and H/TG indicates an epidemic primarily driven through unprotected sexual intercourse while in many of the north-eastern states, high prevalence among IDU, FSW and MSM, as well as in ANC populations, indicates an epidemic fuelled by multiple, possibly interrelated, risk behaviours. Prevalence of HIV among migrants and truckers is 2- 3 times higher than that of ANC clinic attendees, giving weight to the hypothesis that migration is playing an important role in the high outmigration States.


With robust monitoring system developed in the country to prevent and sustained intervention planning and implementation helped in declining HIV prevalence in the country. Mass media program in the country through electronic and print media, educating the people about HIV infection and methods of prevention. However, one of the major challenges of the HIV prevention program in India is the ignorance and denial of HIV risk. Study shows that to obtain information on HIV testing, all respondents were asked whether they had ever been tested for HIV/AIDS. Study indicates that only 10% of respondents had ever been tested for HIV.


Conclusion: India is committed to the goal of “End of AIDS” as a public health threat by 2030. While the programme has been hugely successful in the past, the current challenge is to understand the diversity of this HIV epidemic, having complex and multiple drivers and therefore require a multi dimensional approach. It requires strengthened prevention programmes among high risk populations and their clients like migrants and truck drivers with high-risk behaviour, as well as among spouses/partners of these populations. Epidemiological findings need to be taken into consideration for tailoring the national programme’s responses and treatment must be complemented.



Prof Ana Belen Fernández, specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, has her greatest experience in the critically ill post-surgical patient, and abdominal septic shock. She is a researcher of Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas Infections and its more effective antibiotic treatment as well as the expansion of the high-risk clones by disemination of multiresistant bacteria. Currently belongs to the Department of Anesthesiology of the University Hospital Ntra Sra De Candelaria in Santa Cruz de Tenerife since 2005.



The increasing prevalence of nosocomial infections produced by multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Pseudomona Aeruginosa strains severely compromises the selection of appropiate treatments. Apart from its notable intrinsic resistance, P. Aeruginosa posses an extraordinary ability to develop resistance to nearly all available antimicrobials, through the selection of mutations in a complex network of genes implicated in resistance and their regulation. This fact has major consequences for the efficacy of treatments for P. Aeruginosa infections, mainly among critical patients at the ICU or  those with chronic infections where the problem is magnified due to the high frequency of hypermutator strains, which present a spontaneous mutation rate up to 1000 times higher than normal.  Ceftolozane- Tazobactam is a cephalosporin-ß-lactamase inhibitor combination that exhibits potent in vitro activity against Pseudomona Aeruginosa, including strains that are resistant to other ß-lactams, but emergence of resistance  has been noted in various reported cases, probably by the previous administration of carbapenems, cephalosporin and / or piperacilin-tazobactam  in patients critically illness.  There is an urgent need to develop protocols and guidelines for each hospital in order to administer Ceftalozano- tazobactam in selected patients as the first therapeutic option, and thus decrease the growth of  MDR/XDR  P. aeruginosa strains.


Keynote Forum

Tigist Mekonnen

College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia

Keynote: Cost of Illness of Visceral Leishmaniasis and Associated Factors in Northwest Ethiopia

Time : .



Background: Visceral Leishmaniasis is an important public health problem in Ethiopia, affecting poor rural communities. The most commonly affected people are mainly migrant daily laborers and settlers to the Visceral Leishmaniasis endemic regions. Although management of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Ethiopia is free of charge, patients are likely to face a lot of direct and indirect expenses during their illness.

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the cost of illness of Visceral Leishmaniasis patients and associated factors in Northwest Ethiopia.

Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study was conducted amongst Visceral Leishmaniasis treated adult patients. The data were collected between September and December 2015 from the three main Visceral Leishmaniasis treatment centers in Northwest Ethiopia (University of Gondar hospital, Abdurafi Health Center and Metema Hospital) using a structured questionnaire. Data included direct and indirect costs. Data were collected separately for the period before and after Visceral Leishmaniasis diagnosis. Data were entered into Epi-Info version 3.5.4 and transferred to SPSS version 20 for analysis. The population characteristics and cost of illness was presented in a descriptive statistics using frequency, mean, median, range, standard deviation. Factors associated with high cost were identified using logistic regression model. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The median total cost of care per episode of Visceral Leishmaniasis from patients’ perspective was 3855 ETB. The largest cost category was indirect costs (70.4%) followed by medical (19.8%), and non-medical (9.8%) direct costs. The median days elapsed for consultation at alternative care providers and a public health facility prior to Visceral Leishmaniasis diagnosis was 60 days (40-80 days). The median total cost spent during the period of first presentation to a health care center until Visceral Leishmaniasis diagnosed was 1141 ETB per patient. Low monthly income (AOR=8.19; 95%CI: 4.9-13.5), HIV co-infection (AOR=6.67; 95% CI: 2.1-20.4) and superimposed pneumonia (AOR=1.93; 95%CI: 1.0-3.4) were associated with high direct cost. Similarly, patients with HIV (OR=0.12 CI :( 0.1, 0.8)) low monthly income (AOR=2.321; CI: 2.2, 14.7) and pneumonia co-infection (AOR=1.44; CI: 1.3, 3.4) were factors associated high indirect cost of illness.

Conclusion: Despite the fact that Visceral Leishmaniasis treatment and care is given for free in the health care system of Ethiopia, the cost of illness for the patients was still found to be high.


  • Sexually Transmitted Infections | Noscomial Infections | Blood Stream Infections | Urinary Tract Infections | Hepatitis | Malaria | Animal Infectious Diseases or Zoonosis | Plant Disease Modelling and Parameter Estimation
Location: Rafael Hoteles Forum Alcala


Satyanarayana Gorthi

Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences And Research Centre,India



Fabricio Prado Monteiro

Institute of Allergy and Immunology, Brazil

Session Introduction

Huang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil

Title: Why do patients still catch hospital infections despite the practice of infection prevention and control programs?

Time : 11:10 - 12:00


Huang Wei Ling, born in Taiwan, raised in Brazil since the age of one, graduated in medicine in Brazil, specializing in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca's General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication, and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital infection Control Congress in 1998. 

She was coordinator of both the Infection Control and the Nutritional Support Committee in Sao Joaquim Hospital in Franca, and worked at the infectious Sexually Transmitted Disease Reference Center. She is the owner of the Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, and since 1997 have been presenting her work worldwide with the approach and treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.



Statement of the problem:  Very few publications provide sound scientific data used to determine which components are essential for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) programs in terms of effectiveness in reducing the risk of infection. In recent years, a range of regional best practice or policy principles have been developed that address what could be considered as core components of IPC programs. However, there remains a major gap in relation to the availability of international best practice principles for core components of IPC programs.

The purpose of this study was to show why patients still catch hospital infections despite IPC programs. A better understanding of a variety of theories is needed that could explain the physiopathology of diverse diseases described in the medical past history, which are usually disregarded clinically today. A broader view seems to show the necessity of seeing the patient as a whole; not only focusing on the disease in the prevention of these hospital infections. The methodology used was a review of these theories such as those presented by Hippocrates (“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”), as well as others from oriental medicine, which explain that diseases originate from three factors: external (exposure to cold, heat, humidity, wind and dryness), internal (emotional) and dietary.

Findings: Having a broader view of the patient as a whole (Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood energy and Heat retention), we can understand better the formation of hospital infection which is a systemic energy reaction of our body undergoing normal hospital treatment.

Conclusion: To understand better why a patient is still catching hospital infections, despite these IPC programs, we need to broaden our view observing all emotional, environmental and dietary factors, as well as studying his energy situation now of admittance identifying his risk of hospital infection.

Lakshmi Vemu

Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, India

Title: Rapid bench-side detection of Carbapenemase genes in gram negative bacteria by LAMP assay

Time : 12:00 - 12:35


Doctor is a strong advocate of advanced technology in clinical diagnosis of infectious diseases, she played a key role in the overall development of the Microbiology dept. at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences and in catalyzing its emergence as an eminent referral laboratory. She made great strides in introducing automation in the laboratory as suited in a tertiary care hospital. Her special interest is in the development of simple, rapid and point of care assays for an early and cost effective diagnosis of infectious diseases. She is well known Internationally for the application of Dried Blood spot technology for surveillance of infectious pathogens. She was involved in several national and international collaborative projects of Public health importance and applied research, especially using the DBS and LAMP assay. Her research work on the LAMP assay for rapid molecular diagnosis of Infectious diseases such as HIV and Dengue, won 5 national awards.



Understanding genetic mechanisms of carbapenem resistance among  Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) could help tailor antibiotic therapy and lead to improved outcomes, particularly for critically ill patients. We developed a novel, low cost, bench side rapid molecular assay, V-CARB, based on the Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) technology that simultaneously identifies the 4 major carbapenemase genes: bla​_NDM, bla​_OXA-48, bla​_OXA-23 and bla​_VIM. The assay takes one hour and gives a clear visual readout. 188 clinical GNB isolates, were screened by the V-CARB assay for bla​_NDM, bla​_OXA-48,bla​_OXA-23and bla​_VIM genes and by the Kirby Bauer’s Disc diffusion susceptibility test (DDST). For isolates with mismatched results, the Carbapenem Inhibition assay (CIM) was undertaken.

41/188 (21.8%) isolates were positive for at least one gene by the V-CARB assay. Of these, 14 were detected as susceptible by DDST. 8/14 were true positives   and 6/14 were false positives. Further, 5 isolates detected as resistant by DDST were not identified by the V-CARB assay. Of these, 2 expressed unidentified carbapenemases, 1 was carbapenemase-independent and 2 were false negatives. With DDST as a gold standard, the LAMP assay had a sensitivity of 95%, negative predictive value of 98.61%, specificity of 95.95% and positive predictive value of 86.36%.

The different isolates tested included Acinetobacter (12), E. coli (108), Klebsiella (52) and Pseudomonas (16). The LAMP assay detected 9 NDM, 2 VIM, 16 OXA- 23 and 21 OXA-48 positive isolates. NDM was found across the species, except Pseudomonas. OXA-48 was more common among Klebsiella pneumoniae while OXA-23was found exclusively in Acinetobacter. VIM was detected in Pseudomonas and Klebsiella isolates. The V-CARB assay for carbapenemase genes developed by our team is a highly sensitive, specific, rapid and simple bench-side assay. The availability of the results in a clinically useful time will help clinicians select an appropriate antibiotic at the earliest.


Gamal M. SAIED (MD) : Professor of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. Ex-Head of Surgical Oncology Unit & Ex–Director of the Emergency and Causalities Hospital and Member of the Board of Administration, Cairo University Hospitals.
Chairman of the Professors Upgrading Committee (General Surgery, 2016- ….). Member of : NESA, EACR, ASCO. Member of the Scientific Council for the Egyptian Fellowship in General Surgery, Ministry of Public Health & Population. Laureate the Egypt State's Award for Medical Sciences . Decorated the Order of Merit (First Class) from the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.


Rare, having no clear etiology, idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (IGM) and its variant tuberculous mastitis (TM) are chronic inflammatory lesions usually picked up on clinical suspicion. Mammosonography and needle biopsy display nonspecific features but may provide additional diagnostic support. Patients vary in presentation and their treatment may be instituted on empirical basis.
Cases and Methods
Three cases of IGM were referred for treatment in a year. Diagnosis was made on clinical suspicion, supported by mammosonography and needle biopsy. TM was first thought for and specific treatment was given empirically following the Egyptian guidelines approved by the WHO. The acid fast bacilli were not detected in the 3 cases.
The given 6 months antituberculous treatment (ATT) produced progressive reduction in the size of the masses with amelioration of the preexisting breast symptoms. Follow-up radiology showed parallel results and the lesions disappeared at the end of the course.
Some cases of IGM are tuberculous, and both may mimic malignancy. In Egyptians TM should be considered first, and ATT can be safely instituted on empirical basis if the clinical data are sufficient. Cure is expected within 6 months and early treatment failure, dictates shifting to drugs for genuine IGM. It is not necessary to see the acid fast bacilli in tissue specimen or in culture

Jun Li

Xinjiang Medical University, China

Title: Kinase inhibitor for the treatment and mechanism of cystic echinococcosis

Time : 14:00 - 14:35


Jun Li, B.Sc., Ph.D., is a professor of Xinjiang Medical University and a senior research fellow of State Key Laboratory of Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment of High Incidence Diseases in Central Asia, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China. He received her B. Sc from Xinjiang Medical University. In 2004, she obtained her PhD at the University of Queensland working on developing diagnosis tool for detecting cystic echinococcosis. She then spent 3 years working on PanBio for developing diagnosis kit for infectious diseases. From 2008-2013, she worked on molecular biology of Echinococcus as a senior research officer in Molecular Parasitology Laboratory, Infectious Diseases Division, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. She has published more than 30 papers/articles in the international journals in her research career.



The metacestode stages of the two cestode species: Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato and E.multilocularis cause cystic echinococcosis (CE) and alveolar echinococcosis (AE). These diseases on the people's health and animal husbandry development caused great harm. The current number of patients treated by surgery only accounted for 3-8% of the total number of patients, the vast majority of patients taking albendazole treatment, but the treatment of the drug is unsatisfactory, the urgent need for new drug development. The completion of the E..g and E.m genome and transcriptome predicted a number of proteins for drug screening, in which the kinase was the primary drug target protein.

The Kinase Inhibitor Library from Medicines for cancer, comprised of 378(include 14 pathways and 59 targets)commercially available chemicals that show in vitro activity against PSC, was repurposed. Primary screening was carried out at 5 μM, and resulted in the identification of 51 compounds(include 9 pathways 29 targets) that caused deth in PSC Seven out of these 7 drugs(Pathway: Angiogenesis、Cell Cycle、Protein Tyrosine Kinaseï¼›Target: Bcr-Abl、CDK、DUB、EGFR、FAK、JAK、VEGFR) were also active at 1 μM. Dose-response assays revealed that only 2 compounds, namely S2243 and S2895, exhibited an LD50 value below 2.5 μM.S2895 and S2243 was carried out at 20 mg/ml resulted in the identification of 60% that caused physical damage in metacestodes.

These results provide evidence for the kinase potential as a growing of Echinococcus granulosus, different kinase pathway is different of resulted. The target Bcr-Abl, CDK, DUB, FAK, JAK for screening ,Drug residues play an important role in the screening of drugs.


Abdelkhalek Hassan Younes

AlAzhar University, Egypt

Title: Food supplement for therapy of Hepatitis C Virus

Time : 14:35 - 15:10


Dr. Abdelkhalek Hassan Younes (1957), professor of Dermatology, Andrology and STIs – AlAzhar University, has worked in different university hospitals in Egypt including Al-Azhar, Ain shams and Cairo University hospitals and in USA he was worked in UCSF and Moffat hospitals in the field of Dermatology, Andrology and STDs with clinical skills and reaches in both animal and human studies including study of seminal vesicle contractually by specific sympathetic and parasympathic drugs. He Has             Published papers in dermatology , andrology and STDs all over the world  in general and American journal specifically as American j of urology 1998 , Archive andrology 2000 – 2003 , American j of reproduction 2004 and American j of viral and antiviral 20012.




Hepatitis C is a progressing global health problem. The expense of the exciting regimen for treatment is not available for many patients. Herbal medicines have been used as complementary therapy in the   treatment of liver diseases for a long time. Fifty one patients with hepatitis C have been seen in our outpatient clinic, with twelve patients as control. Patients were interviewed to obtain detailed clinical data before and after treatment. The herbal medicines used in the treatment of HCV are Milk Thistle, Phyllanthus, Garlic, Cinnamon, Parsley, Black seed and AKHY-J-25 (mixture of herbs). Every patient received single oral capsule of herbal preparations powder, in early morning on an empty stomach with two cups of water and simple breakfast after two hours, from three months to two years, and twelve patients as control received placebo. The results showed 20% of patients had no detectable HCV RNA in serum at 24 week treatment, 72.6% showed clinical and biochemical improvement with decline of HCV RNA to lower limit and 7.4% showed clinical and biochemical improvement without change in level of HCV RNA


Dr. Sunil Kumar Snehi is a Assistant Professor in Department of Microbiology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He obtained his Ph. D. degree (2012) from University of Lucknow, Lucknow and CSIR-National botanical Research Institute, Lucknow on “Molecular studies of virus/es causing severe mosaic disease in Jatropha species cultivated in India and development of their management strategies”. Dr. Snehi has more than 12 years of research experience on area of plant virology. Dr. Snehi has worked on molecular detection, identification and characterization of Begomovirus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Potyvirus and Phytoplasma species from various horticulture, ornamental, weed and economically important crop plants of India. He has published 56 research papers in national and international repute journals and published 03 books & 05 book chapters in international published books.



Surveys were conducted in March 2015 to December 2017, from the various agricultural field of Madhya Pradesh a central region of India and found a significant disease incidence (about ~10-40%) on agricultural important plants. The symptomatic plant of Malva parviflora, Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, Atylosia scarabaeoides, Solanum melongena, Solanum lycopersicum, Capsicum annuum were collected for molecular detection, identification and characterization of begomovirus exhibited begomovirus like disease symptoms such as leaf curl, mosaic, yellow mosaic, yellow vein net, vein enation and mosaic. The ~800 bp amplicon of begomovirus were successfully amplified in these naturally infected plant species by PCR using begomovirus coat protein gene specific primers. The genomic amplicons obtained (CP Gene) were sequenced by both the direction and sequence data of coat protein gene were submitted in GenBank database under Accession numbers: KY511140 (M. parviflora), KX343908 (C. acontifolia), KX343909 (A. scarabaeoides), KU760804 (S. melongena), KU760803 (S. lycopersicum) and KU760802 (Capsicum annuum.).The sequence analyses results were suggested occurrence of diverse begomovirus species on these plants species like: Tomato leaf curl Kerala virus, Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus on C. acontifolia (Chaya); Cowpea golden mosaic virus and Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus on A. scarabaeoides; Tomato leaf curl virus on S. melongena (Brinjal) and Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on S. lycopersicum (Tomato) and C. annuum (Chilli) were identified. The details of research work on detection and identification of begomoviruses will be discussed in the conference.




Pantoea agglomerans, a Gram negative bacterium of the family, Enterobacteriaceae, has been reported to cause septic arthritis/synovitis, endophthalmitis, periostitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, cholelithiasis, peritonitis and skin allergy. 1,2,3,4,5,6 We report the first case of haematuria with pantoea urethritis in a 51 year old adult male who was undergoing chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukaemia on the AML 19 trial . He developed a persistent fever with haematuria five days after completion of chemotherapy. The blood culture from his PICC line grew pantoea agglomerans sensitive to ceftriaxone. He became neutropenic with associated fevers post chemotherapy, so he was started empirically on meropenem and vancomycin as per the neutropenic sepsis policy. He continued these for eight days until blood culture results were available. Although urine culture was negative, CT Urogram however revealed features consistent with urethritis. He completed another week of intravenous ceftriaxone and haematuria subsequently resolved. It is very likely that pantoea agglomerans caused the urethritis which resolved with antibiotics and repeat blood cultures returned negative. Pantoea agglomerans commonly occurs in plants as an epi or endophytic symbiont with reports of opportunistic infection mostly in immunocompromised individuals. 6 Most human infections reportedly occur through skin breaks for instance through thorn pricks 2,4,6  during gardening, although there are also reports of sepsis through contaminated parenteral fluids 1,2 and indwelling lines/catheters7 or even presenting like a tumour8. Timely antibiotics intervention led to the favourable outcome in our case. Mortality with pantoea agglomerans infection has been reported especially in immunocompromised children, 9 our case of panteoa agglomerans urethritis was most likely line associated. The case highlights the importance of developing policies on performing investigations on immunocompromised patients including those at risk of neutropenic sepsis with timely intervention and targeted antibiotics to give the best possible outcome and patient care.