Sunil Kumar Snehi
Barkatullah Univeristy, India
Title: Molecular identification of begomovirus/es infecting economically important crop plants of Madhya Pradesh, India

Dr. Sunil Kumar Snehi is a Assistant Professor in Department of Microbiology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He obtained his Ph. D. degree (2012) from University of Lucknow, Lucknow and CSIR-National botanical Research Institute, Lucknow on “Molecular studies of virus/es causing severe mosaic disease in Jatropha species cultivated in India and development of their management strategies”. Dr. Snehi has more than 12 years of research experience on area of plant virology. Dr. Snehi has worked on molecular detection, identification and characterization of Begomovirus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Potyvirus and Phytoplasma species from various horticulture, ornamental, weed and economically important crop plants of India. He has published 56 research papers in national and international repute journals and published 03 books & 05 book chapters in international published books.
Surveys were conducted in March 2015 to December 2017, from the various agricultural field of Madhya Pradesh a central region of India and found a significant disease incidence (about ~10-40%) on agricultural important plants. The symptomatic plant of Malva parviflora, Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, Atylosia scarabaeoides, Solanum melongena, Solanum lycopersicum, Capsicum annuum were collected for molecular detection, identification and characterization of begomovirus exhibited begomovirus like disease symptoms such as leaf curl, mosaic, yellow mosaic, yellow vein net, vein enation and mosaic. The ~800 bp amplicon of begomovirus were successfully amplified in these naturally infected plant species by PCR using begomovirus coat protein gene specific primers. The genomic amplicons obtained (CP Gene) were sequenced by both the direction and sequence data of coat protein gene were submitted in GenBank database under Accession numbers: KY511140 (M. parviflora), KX343908 (C. acontifolia), KX343909 (A. scarabaeoides), KU760804 (S. melongena), KU760803 (S. lycopersicum) and KU760802 (Capsicum annuum.).The sequence analyses results were suggested occurrence of diverse begomovirus species on these plants species like: Tomato leaf curl Kerala virus, Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus on C. acontifolia (Chaya); Cowpea golden mosaic virus and Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus on A. scarabaeoides; Tomato leaf curl virus on S. melongena (Brinjal) and Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus on S. lycopersicum (Tomato) and C. annuum (Chilli) were identified. The details of research work on detection and identification of begomoviruses will be discussed in the conference.